
My style is concise and straightforward. My marketing approach is direct but helpful and, for me, the hard sell is strictly forbidden.

I was once an academic in love with lengthy words derived from latin. Today I’m happy to write for the majority who want to know who, what, where and why they should do business with you.

Okay, here’s some book learning

I think George Orwell said it best: never use a long word where a short one will do. Of course, long copy has its merits. But typically I use blunt, succinct and unadorned language. Perfect for getting your message across quickly.

Want to know more?

I specialise in writing for the outdoors, whether that’s travelogues, gear reviews or destination guides. In fact, I’m hell bent on selling the excitement of the great green beyond. In my spare time I bike, hike, run and most of all, climb high.

Like all good copywriters, however, I write about anything. Arts, bars, cars and spas – if you need words that sell, I’d like to know more about it.


Fionn Wills