Time to Lay Dormant for a Year

The first FiNaPoWriMo NaPoWriMo had it’s highlights:

  • Over 500 people visited the site in 30 days
  • 30 bloggers followed
  • 1 poem was commissioned and used (I think) in a job interview
  • A national museum recorded a poem and posted it on their page

I didn’t imagine a better response.

I’ll see you for next year’s instalment. Dissertation year poetry sounds like a ready-made quality standards issue. But there is always National Novel Writing Month in November.

Keep scratching,


To hear the audio of ‘Rolling Hulks’ click here.
Coming soon…  Interrobang Cliffords Tower


NaPoWriMo #30


Home. Home is in the hills.
Among valleys where flora turns
emerald ice dead winter,

Where water tastes of dew from
the strands in a duck’s moustache.

House is the habitat.
Home when breath breathes ‘welcome back’
a ghost-hello, condensing words in air.

‘kettle’s on’, or ‘put kettle on’,
steam: birth of a brew.

The brick and mortar, the
tile and plaster, carpet and cutlery
can be dust

For trusting limbs, natural smiles,
are crux to kitchenware teeth.

There goes thirty days of poems. I’ll post an exit strategy tomorrow, but until then keep reading and enjoying.

‘Exit pursued by a bear’,

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Rolling Hulks

NaPoWriMo #28

Rolling Hulks

Exibit chesspiece,
Leviathan, foreigner, imported, cast iron, steel-alloy, turntable, turnpike,
contacts ignite, piston rupture.
Walking round, tripped by invisible
wires between men and their cameras.
Iron giants – immobilised, geriatric, asleep.

Oil on the air, in the lungs –
sorry, excuse meFinley, come here!
Excuse me. Stephenson’s there, Gresley’s
grizzling in the corners, counting the lubricate spots on drip-trays
and the days until fire breathes in the smokebox,
pending steps on the footplate, shattering pressure to release, to accelerate.


English: Sir Nigel Gresley Crossing the bridge...
English: Sir Nigel Gresley Crossing the bridge at Moorgates on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. http://www.nymr.co.uk/

With thanks to the NRM, York.

Too openly fond of rail history,

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Postcards from the Mentally Ill.

NaPoWriMo #22

Postcards from the Mentally Ill

Let fly a culture of Freudian slip
between the legible
black on white
indelible ink, imperative:

I was not involved with my cousin Carol.

as though the recipient
has power to prescribe dignity,
lost to diffraction patterns
in boyhood mishap.

Otherwise a foul in genealogy.

Yet heightened amiability,
the fact you know the middle-name,
despite impossibility
licks my stamp

but perhaps is perturbing.

Ominous •
your still using telegram stops • as big as
squashed flies •
on a square no bigger than • a chapbook fly leaf •

One mind in staccato rhythm.

A simple admission
that quirks are not faults
despite harm.
Stability is a priori

the human condition: a smidgeon of
grit to the egg and the chicken.


If my Pa reads this: we are still open to make that coffee-table book using the same title.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Coping Ugly

NaPoWriMo #17

Coping Ugly

You were a rubbish dog
and all I could think about today;
never came when called,
scared of the stick when thrown,
would lurk in the dark of the stairwell –
where I still step over
the memory of your fury body
ready to turn tail and bite
under pressure of a foot -,
didn’t like children,
had a mind all your own.
An absolute dog.

I honestly think something in my mechanism went,
when we were disallowed the formality of burial.
This is me attempting ‘goodbye’.


Depending on your pronunciation of the title, you may have thought this poem was about heavy-petting.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Omnipresent Tanka

NaPoWriMo #16

Omnipresent Tanka

When I am cremated
scatter the ash in the sea
then will I be beat
Beatific and everywhere
In all the drinking water.


A tanka today. Classical Japanese poetry getting me out of a bind… not for the first time.

‘Frankly my Dear, I don’t give a damn’.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

In the Sun

NaPoWriMo #15

In the Sun

In the sun
somewhere, anywhere, dusty
a man, no name, anyone
digs to divine water’s loci.

In the sun
there, everywhere, all over
an opaque hand, bigger than the Cayman Islands
salts the earth, drives water deeper, undermines his spring quicker.

This limb, spanning the hemisphere
incubates expenditure
in its palm half a world away, thinking of it
as offspring – hatchlings

Justified by this view,
obliviously watches the world over,
– this new mother –
fleshier bodies, younger than a babble, weaker than a cry, be spent as walkingdollar.

It is said these peoples are developing.
Really they bide their time, choosing
to preserve the truth of the matter,
opting out of a world so ready to

mortgage humanity
to uphold
the spectacle of a filing cabinet,

draws akimbo,
paper haze aflutter,
balanced perfectly on a
pink, pot, piggybank’s snout.

To expose this manic circus trick,
replacing marble and brick with glass, and air, and window polish.
will cost a mint in sweat and dough –
To refrain from doing so?

May cost the earth, and so much more.


Because of tax havens, a third of the world’s financial wealth (US$18tn) is pent up in countries of zero tax and fiscal obscurity. Christian Aid work to make this money accessible to programmes across the world that are striving to end world poverty. This was the first poem I’ve ever been ‘commissioned’ (don’t worry, no charge) to do, so thanks to Miss J. Warrey, and good luck.

Here is the link to the Christian Aid Trace the Tax campaign.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Cut-Ups Poetry Experiment. NaPoWriMo #14

NaPoWriMo #14

Cut-Ups Experiment.

Compendium of the ‘i’ 09/04/13.

If giving customers a bed down London’s ice
is Labour’s new energy, the four chimneys broke with the theatre’s grey.

Falklands wand finally to addiction.
There is a timiction helpline special.

In death, you especially imagine a celebri-divide,
I met Margaret where she was detoxed once.

She created the more-vention, went smooth Britain
– contradictions of a human spiral road death.

It was not quite Marilyn McChange,
her fans cheered her, with responsensitivites.

We are in the midst of day and make
a fresh Second World War – Great economic collapseers.


to buy so much failurotunity, she
was stock to be sold.

the national psyche:amily more opaque.
mine to realise that I could.

We could go on Britard.


Created via the cut-up method, (I said I would deliver three days ago – but had ideas since). Two pages of the newspaper are divided down the centre, one half of Page A is then placed next to the corresponding half of Page B, creating a composite of the two pages. There you have the contradictions – and arguably the crux – of the whole paper. Some neologisms that surface are inventions that only chance could create. ‘insta-woman’, ‘collapseers’, ‘failurotunity’, ‘celebri-divide’ and ‘psyche:amily’ should already exist, but don’t. They’ve subsequently been pasted into my dictionary.

Thanks go to Mr Gysin and Mr Burroughs.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Economic Prothalamion

NaPoWriMo #13

Economic Prothalamion

The odyssey casts off from here,
hereafter now you six are competing
for favour of more suitors than ever
you’ve tried a’gaining advantage of before.

Don’t be a cynic!
Honest, Penelope, I wouldn’t dare.

I bet you, in the least, it’s ten years
‘til you guys launch those thousand ships to Ithaca.
‘til then your carbon carats’ are gonna be crushed
to the upper limits of diamondness.
Buy Whitby Jet, for Chrissakes.

I received an anniversary card from you yesterday,
its pithy witticism about years being like falling waves
had me prithee resurrect the shank’s edge repartee we had,
and parry our fleshless humour.

All been gone a long time since last I saw
the individual parties, partners and bags
mouth ‘I will’ – not, ‘I do’ – that’s a misnomer,
everything here is.
Dream blacker faceless engineers!

To accrue a bona-fide familial cartel,
a genuine polyglot of communicative strategy
is amended to the mind engine.
I’v watched three of a half-dozen,
over eroding time, fall on their word.

Nice an slo – mo, like.


Makes sense.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Holding you like I might a bottle of wine

NaPoWriMo #12

Holding you like I might a bottle of wine

On my favourite sofa. both eyes reflect
over my shoulder
your mother, left. your father, right.
Each one separate and both combined

Your father’s face, a pride you cannot yet fathom
through blurred vision where people become the air.
And hers, simply in disdain of your
furrowed brow to do so.

Outward from those gleaming irses,
micro-film to read under a voice projecting later,

in my hands, one
cradles your tiny head,
the other on the small of your back,
no wider than a handspan.

I hope, for years to come,
it is impossible to watch your
developing ouevre of faces
without seeing one, or the other,

in either eye.


For G.L.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.Gracie, Mum, Me.

Morse Carpet

NaPoWriMo #11

Morse Carpet

All that viscous gunk
in the fibres
from years of tramping custom
over the mat
I told him to update and refurb,
turn into a coffee shop,
replace the bald welcome
improve and serve
the barista-madness
but he is old hat

Keeps shop capital under his bed
doesn’t trust the bankers
still greets on the high-street – everyone,
Surrenders his cap to every passing hearse.
sees development as
to fickle ephemera.
I ask if he’d consider some
kanji transfers on the wall
or a brushed steel surface
but Japanese suggests
quality is an exotic appendage
far from home –
He tells me he’d rather tongue the welcome mat.


Tomorow is cut-up day. Back to the scalpel, newspaper and creating barely legible literature.


Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Un love

NaPoWriMo #10

Un Love

You eat munchies
When you greet me
The work you undertake:
are opinions
You fail to recognise
Your Laugh
I could forgive you
like a horse masticates on carrot,
it is as welcoming as Zyklon B is
obsolete, like male nipples,
to you as unwanted as bad childhood memories?
the opening bars of ‘All you need is love’,
is a prerequisite to migraine.
But it is the boredom that jars.


This one turned into an experiment with column poetry. I’ve always wanted to try a dual reading poem. The napowrimo prompt ‘a poem of dislike’ became a little staid, with similes quickly losing impact. I am happy with this as a first attempt.

Oíche mhaith.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Dada Poetry Experiments NaPoWriMo #9.1 & #9.2

NaPoWriMo #9.1 Dada Experiment.

NaPoWriMo #9.2 Dada Experiment. Photo.

A • lea • tori • cism

Aleatoricism is the incorporation of chance into the process of creation, especially the creation of art or media. The word derives from the Latin word alea meaning the rolling of dice.

On day 9 of NaPoWriMo I ran short of creative juice. Someone had asked me on day 8 whether I would be writing about the death of Margaret Thatcher the next day. I told them no, I don’t really go for topical writing – especially poems – as the field is already crowded with thousands of words dedicated to the subject in advance.

Which got me thinking about Thatcher’s impending biblio-mass of obits. Obviously these would be marked on the front page of every newspaper. All my favourite artists have used newspaper at some point as a multimedia, to either utilise its rigorous vernacular, or as a cheap method to transgress the boundaries of text, via cut-ups and typographical collage. I was tired of constructing; #9 had to be a Dada poem.

What formed while randomly selecting from a hat was surprising and intelligible. I particularly like ‘has rope as power’, there is something about the unstressed syllables rhyming. The line ‘restored Lady £10.08 mystery’, reminds me of Daily Mail headlines. Overall, the money shot, the one I will take away with me: ‘dream blacker faceless engineers’. It’s the seething menace, as though there is one whole character and their story embodied in a single line. I digress.

What Banksy and Flash Mobs accomplish today the Dadaists, Les Hydropathes and the Incoherents were doing in the 1890s. I will strive to understand, but will not pretend to know the Dadaist manifesto, or what (under the pall of nonsense) they were pragmatically trying to achieve. All I fathom is aleatoricism – from William S. Burroughs’ novels to Bataille’s corncob pipe-smoking Mona Lisa – is responsible for my favourite works of art.

Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Herd Mentality

NaPoWriMo #7

Herd Mentality

Within the picture frame of a tea-caddy valley
an airborne lottery wheedled its way to the nostrils
of the sheep, selected the club night in the cow sheds
promising cuts of cut-rate sweet-meat.

Animals grazed as clan for millennia, hailed
by their thousands, into the news reels and word processors
of the Dictaphone media: no Nazi propaganda, no furnace in the street
the four-legs had reached their zenith and were a jewel in the peaks.

A party was thrown, from the depths of our hearts
onto the celebrating heap, warm animal bodies pirouetting together
in the bedlam of kaylee dancing cattle, heralded humans
in droves to douse the god-like livestock in champagne and altar fire.

Indeed fireworks: multi-shot aerial displays formed night into day,
Roman Candles set the bleating from black sheep shooting at the youngest jumpers
the gunpowder smell of acrid pleasure, Catherine Wheels likely to
fix landscapes across the nation with a micronova of prescribed carnival burn.

In their new-found importance, ablaze with screaming laughter,
aware that carnival antics are in ewes, rams, goats and bovine inborn.
Anything with cloven hoof apple-bobbed, splatted-the-rat and given a prize.
A shout-out over the tannoy, a double-barrelled loud-hailer, a lit sparkler.

Every moment a de facto Shangri La, each species a nomadic caravan,
all congregations a vigil. Sung out in all crevices The King of Love my Shepherd Is.
Epicentres of the crescendo were identified in
Essex, Northumberland, Cumbria and the North York Moors.

Weeks tore by – the breeds cross-pollinated – until all fetes, galas, events ceased.
Fires were extinguished; food was off, entertainment encored.
The perpetual motion machines, all animal bodies were on top
of one another, on their backs, ashen, asleep.

The lottery was spent.

It was later found that rather than announce Lent early
(commend the critters to respite, quadrupedal Butlins and organised fun)
Tiring them out throwing a party now
would cost the fleecy pockets of the markets less in the long run.

The carnivals abated. the skies no longer alight. All bleating eulogy silence.

For months after – aside dry stone walls before entering
the hallowed grounds of the sacred feasts
our sign of respect was marked by a blessing:
to wash our hands with buckets of water and disinfect our feet.


I remember 2001 quite well. Almost didn’t make it today. Also, to do right by ancestors ‘kaylee’ should be written Céilidh. Good night.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Language’s Monologue I

NaPoWriMo #6

Language’s Monologue

The graft of the sentence is
I transmute meaning.
latch onto anything
between synapses,
father to order.

Cut of the Jib,

Say I were multiplied,
given a header,
written as a letter
am I still a letter?
when translated into Latin,
my rhetoric increases
its calibre.
Quidquid latine dictum sit altum sonatur.
Anything said after
sounds profound.
to cloth ears.

il miglior fabbro.

The Pyramid Scheme

NapoWrimo #5

The Pyramid Scheme

She took a bronze saw
nine feet long,
set with sapphire teeth
to business
carving life into
a Pyramid
of manageable
Descending to the largest of jobs,
leading to glitches eventually
larger than life –
top down organising,
placing the smallest
in a pocket of time
five minutes from now. Now
the miniscule,
later the monument.
She began:
scratched her itch,
made a meal of it
left the dog the bones,
put things in order,
settled her affairs,
got the job done,
shattered sugar-glass ceiling,
left him holding the baby,
almost one time met her maker.
Performed the remit of
Serial Note-Taker.
Scrawling every last hiccup into submission
Mason to the stones
around others’ necks
to build
after a whole tome
Centenarian Charleston
beckoned home.
Hung up
the world-worn saw,
reflecting her hair, her eyes, sapphires now the size of amoeba fear,
Set a final gargantuan slab,
the foundation stone
for those to continue
by example. And
Pitched back on heels
to see

Venus Callipgye knows.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Family Triptych

NaPoWriMo #3

Family Triptych

Up a gangplank
through the land
between house, home and road
three of a family tree trod,
one in front of the other
digits trellised
dovetailed together
a linked length
a pedigree.

Father, grandpa, clergyman drew
Mother, their grandmother, philanthropist
up. Denied purchase from spent years caring.
And steadying the give, behind
The daughter, granddaughter, the student.
Brogues, slippers and walking boots.
Tapping, gliding, clumping.

cosseting the altruist,
with age – under the weather,
weaker between the strength of two others
over scaffold bridge
bonded a chain-gang
of love
of life.


With thanks to the Amos’ and the Bowes family.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Stitch That

NaPoWriMo #2 Stitch That.

Stitch That

I’d had a go of it,
he’d hooked me up,
chucked me up,
threw me over for the
femme fatale type.

Had blown my brains out with
tedious conversations on the terabyte,

fed him tripe,
fed me tripe –
had no excuse to cancel the milk that night.

So when he showed up,
all apologetic corduroy
and humility turtleneck
to say we’d had a go of it – he’s sick of it.
I felt obliged to stick him with it – stitch that I’m thinking.

Milk bottle bust, landed on the floor
made the opposite of a chandelier,
took his dead-weight to the crypt of the car,
saw milk, and blood, and bile mix
become ambergris

I had done with him, popped those clogs
shod the funeral loafers and bin bag attire,
to drive the motorway and dump cargo –
baggage, clothes and body – into the river.

And as they say, Officer, I never looked back.
It might be this reason, that I failed to check
my blind spot, cut you up with the motor
– blues and twos – hesitated, then signalled to pull over.


For this one, I am greatly indebted to Simon Armitage’s ‘Hitcher’, and Chicago’s ‘We both reached for the Gun’.

See you tomorrow.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.

Life is a String of Wordplay


NaPoWriMo #1

Life is a String of Wordplay

Delay the delays
And answer the answer
By writing by writ
So to doubt the doubt.

Fixing my fix by
Dislking dislike,
to favour all favours
and ink ink to paper.

Control control,
it is the caper of capers.

The guarantee to guarantee
to limit my limits
is all matter over matter,
is by manmade the measure.

Keep the secret secret, and by rite you’ll be better.



Pretty wide-ranging for the first one. Reminds me of W H Auden in the tone. Good old homophones.

What’s it all mean? Let me know, when you find out.

Fionn Coughlan-Wills.